
The Amazon not only encompasses the largest tropical forest in the world; but is also home to one in ten known species on earth.

At its heart flows the Amazon River, over more than 6,600 km, and along with its hundreds of tributaries, contains the largest number of species of freshwater fish in the world.

The arboreal canopy of the Amazon helps regulate temperature and humidity, and is closely linked to regional climate patterns through forest-dependent hydrological cycles. Because of the huge amount of carbon stored in the Amazon forests, there is an enormous potential to alter global climate if it is not properly managed. The Amazon contains between 90 and 140 billion metric tons of carbon, and the release of just one part would accelerate global warming significantly.

Over the past 50 years, the Amazon has lost at least 17% of its forest cover, its connectivity has been increasingly affected, and numerous endemic species have been subject to resource exploitation waves.

In the BioDomo are some of the most representative species of this ecosystem as the sloth, the six banded armadillo or the gray-winged trumpeter.

Especies animales


Ambystoma mexicanum

Arasarí verde

Pteroglossus viridis

Armadillo de seis bandas

Euphractus sexcinctus

Cardenal norteño

Cardinalis cardinalis


Cotinga cayana

Culebra verde nariguda

Philodryas baroni

Faisán plateado

Chrysolophus amherstiae

Iguana verde

Iguana iguana

Perezoso de dos dedos

Choloepus didactylus

Rana de ojos rojos

Agalychnis callidryas

Rana punta de flecha de franjas amarillas

Dendrobates leucomelas

Rana punta de flecha rayada

Phyllobates vittatus

Rana punta de flecha teñida

Dendrobates tinctorius

Rascón de cuello rojo

Aramides ypecaha

Tamarino de labios blancos

Saguinus labiatus

Tángara azulada

Thraupis episcopus

Tortuga matamata

Chelus fimbriatus


Psophia crepitans

Tucán de pecho blanco

Ramphastos tucanus

Turaco violáceo

Musophaga violacea

Especies vegetales

Árbol del coral

Erythrina crista-galli


Bougainvillea glabra

Butia lanosa

Butia eriospatha

Clavel del aire

Tillandsia usneoides

Coco plumoso

Syagrus romanzoffiana

Enredadera de Virginia

Partenocissus quinquefolia


Philodendron xanadu

Flor de la pasión

Passiflora caerulea

Galán de noche

Cestrum nocturnum

Guayaba del Brasil

Acca selloviana


Heliconia latispatha


Jacaranda mimosifolia

Lágrimas de amor

Russelia equisetiformis


Lantana camara

Lapacho rosado

Tabebuia impetiginosa

Madero amarillo

Handroanthus ochraeus

Nuez de la India

Thevetia peruviana

Palmera de los pantanos

Acoelorraphe wrightii

Palmera pindó

Butia capitata

Palmera real cubana

Roystonea regia

Palo borracho

Chorisia speciosa

Palo de arco

Tecoma stans

Tradescantia purpurea

Tradescantia pallida


Peltophorum dubium


Tradescantia zebrina