Indo-Pacific land environment – Jungle

The humid tropical forest of the Indo-Pacific region is one of the areas of greatest biodiversity on the planet and contains the most ancient woodland on Earth, over 100 million years old. The forest is strongly stratified vertically with a damp, semi-dark floor contrasting with a predominantly dry, brightly-lit canopy. The vegetation is broadleaf and evergreen, typical of climates with rainfall all year round. It has a great ecological value, as a protector against floods and droughts, reduction of soil erosion and combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. However it is subjected to different threats such as indiscriminate logging for agricultural use, timber trade or mining activity.

Especies animales

Escorpión asiático

Heterometrus sp.


Muntiacus muntjak

Rana cornuda

Megophrys nasuta

Sapo malayo de bosque

Bufo asper

Sapo vientre de fuego oriental

Bombina orientalis

Tritón de vientre de fuego

Cynops orientalis

Tritón mandarín

Tylototritón shanjing

Especies vegetales

Árbol del caucho

Ficus elástica

Bastón de bambú

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda

Bignonia blanca

Pandorea jasminoides

Caryota obtusa

Caryota obtusa

Cerezo magenta

Syzygium paniculatum


Schefflera arboricola


Cycas revoluta

Cyca de Ceilán

Cycas circinalis

Falsa aralia

Fatsia japonica

Ficus australiano

Ficus rubiginosa

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina

Ficus trepador

Ficus pumila

Helecho arborescente australiano

Cyathea cooperi

Helecho arborescente de Tasmania

Balantium antarcticum

Helecho nido

Asplenium nidus Indo-Pacífico M. terrestre

Higuera loca

Ficus macrophylla


Howea forsteriana

Laurel de Indias

Ficus microcarpa


Alocasia odora

Melia o cinamomo

Melia azedarach


Metrosideros collina

Palmera bambú

Raphis excelsa

Palmera cola de zorro

Wodyetia bifurcata

Palmera de cola de pescado

Caryota maxima

Palmera enana

Phoenix roebelenii

Palmera real australiana

Archontophoenix alexandrae

Parra virgen

Partenocissus tricuspidata

Pata de vaca

Bauhinia variegata

Rosa banksia

Rosa banksiae